Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Stand Tall!

I truly believe in this statement! When I was working and was having a bad day, I would make myself stand up straight and walk with good posture. Within minutes, I felt better and it really boosted my confidence.


  1. often at work I correct myself and make sure I stand up straight and proud and look around me........excellent post!

  2. Hi Neva!! Thank you for stopping by and commenting! :)

  3. yes, very true. good posture shows confidence. slouching shows being beaten down.

  4. i take yoga and tai chi, both are about postures, shoulders back, deep breaths for well-being and health and confidence. Good post barb

  5. Yolo, I need to check into that! I could really use it now that I'm retired and not very active! Thank you! :)

  6. Very true, body language says a lot about us...and we can fake it until we make it :-))

  7. "fake it until we make it" is right, Jonie! Even if you don't feel very confident, at the moment, once you stand tall and walk with your head held high your confidence seems to automatically escalate! :)
